Welcome to Body Unbound

Body Unbound is a practice dedicated to alleviating pain and body restrictions using techniques from fascial counterstrain. In this practice, areas of tension and tightness are invited to slacken and release. All of us have areas of our bodies that feel “bound” or restrained. When these bound areas are released we appreciate an unwinding that can often bring pain relief. Not only can this approach be used to physically loosen the body, and to increase range of motion and flexibility, but it can also have that effect in a person’s emotional or mental world.

As a person who lives and learns in a kinesthetic way, and as a dancer, I visualize Body Unbound as a kind of gentle expansion of the limits of our currently lived bodies.

May this practice name and the drawn images convey the energies that I hope will flow stronger through your lives!

Fascial Counterstrain

  • Fascial counterstrain is a gentle and supportive manual therapy that promotes the release of long held tensions in the body. The releases are specific to each anatomic structure being released, and this specificity is what gives this technique its power and effectiveness.

  • Most people come to fascial counterstrain for one of two reasons. They might know someone who suggested this treatment to them because that person had benefited so much themselves. Or, they might have limitations in their physical health that other healthcare providers have not sufficiently relieved. These people have often had to change their favorite activities, or even their work, because they just can’t function as they used to. In all cases, our clients are hopeful that they might gain or regain physical strength and vitality.

  • · Migraines
    · Head concussion (or post-concussion syndrome)
    · Neck stiffness
    · Shoulder pain
    · Chest wall pain
    · GERD
    · Nausea
    · Abdominal bloating
    · Constipation
    · Sciatica
    · Pelvic pain
    · Hip pain
    · Tightness, numbness, or tingling of your arms or legs
    · Back pain
    · PTSD